What is self-care? What does self-care look like? How can self-care help you reach and achieve your goals and desired life outcomes? Some may even think the notion of self-care is perhaps selfish or indulgent, however what actually makes sense is to actively take the time to consistently and mindfully take care of YOUR self. To take care of your individual needs in order to ensure that you can continue to be your best in order to give your best. In order to be your best to those you love, to those you mentor and to those you influence is an investment worth making. Your time is now because what I know for sure is you deserve to know your BEST.
“Investing in yourself might be one of the best investments you ever make.”
take control of
Why would I consistently choose to hold onto negative feelings or thoughts or feel the need to wallow in self-pity, fear or anger? So, what’s up with holding onto negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, fear of not being liked or feeling like I was not smart enough, good enough or simply, not enough exactly as I am? I realized the time had come to begin to re-evaluate why this seemed to be the case and decided to make some changes around certain people in my life and decisions that I was consistently making that I determined were no longer working for ME.

Your Greatest Self.
I am now on my way and I feel so happy about learning to believe in myself, faults and all, because do I continue to work through self-doubt and self-criticism, yes -- but now I have also developed the self-awareness to understand it; give myself permission to feel it; allow myself to embrace it, even when it feels uncomfortable. Because, what I know for sure -- living your greatest and best life is WORTH it.
A client-centred practice grounded in a Positive Psychology framework with a focus on the advancement of well-being and optimal functioning rooted in the recognition of personal strengths, constructive beliefs and positive ritualized habits.
Virtual Sessions
Online Exercises
Phone Sessions

Sophie Lazarou
Certified Professional Life Coach, Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker
“Living your greatest and best life starts with you.”
25 + years experience in areas including leadership, human resources, marketing, procurement, accounts management, strategic & project planning, customer service,
training & development, special events planning & organizing, administration & communication.
Areas of study and interests include: Women’s Studies, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Sociology,
Business Administration, Human Resources, Fashion Merchandising.
Life Coaching
Public Speaking &
Motivational Speaking
Workshops & Education
Families & Children
Individual Sessions
Services: Personal Progression
Leadership & Business
Marriage Preparedness & Sustainability
Effective Parenting Education
Women & Girls Empowerment
Self-Esteem & Confidence Building
Sexual Harassment &
Anti-Bullying Education
Personal Organization
Goal-Setting & Positive Psychology
what is your path?
I am listening.
I too needed to make some changes, so
I did. It wasn’t always easy. It wasn’t always fun. It wasn’t always safe. But it was all WORTH it. I decided that I was worth making the necessary changes and pivots in my life that would help me move toward living a better version of myself, so I did. Because I knew I could be happier. I knew I could have more peace. I knew I could be calmer. I could learn to accept myself for exactly who I am, without fear of judgement, criticism and humiliation. I could love and be loved. I could speak my truth and feel heard. I could be exactly who I am and those who loved me, would love me, ANYWAY.

1:1 Coaching
Relationship Coaching
Family/Parenting Coaching
Children Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Women & Children
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